The Sixth Channeling Intensive Begins!
Hello other selves! I’m writing this from Richmond International Airport as I wait for the plane taking me to Denver to meet another working group member, after which we head directly to Estes Park to begin our work. As you know, our theme this intensive centers on a deeper investigation into the archetypal mind, and I have to put my cards on the table: I have not prepared for exploring this theme as much as I would have liked. My wife and I said goodbye to our 11 year old beagle Freddie a week ago, and our other beagle Emmie Lou has been in a long recovery from surgery.
Nevertheless, I am current with my practice as an instrument, and I've been able to get some practice under my belt with the Richmond group since our last newsletter dispatch:
Oorkas on the Rhythm of Seeking: In their second contact with the circle, Oorkas comments upon the enormity of the challenge of seeking infinitely within an infinite Creator. This endless quest is processed by us in units that regularly provide fresh opportunities to respond to dead ends on the path. Faith carries us through this cadence of new moments, building that capacity to continually extend the self further in the protean growth of our Creator. Connecting within to one’s higher self delivers a transcendence of individual identity towards a more cosmic scale of concerns. Oorkas also addresses the role of the potentiator of spirit archetype in this issue as well as questions about the function of individuation and emotions.
Q’uo on Traction and Projection in Consciousness: After over two years, the principle of Q’uo revisits the Richmond circle to discuss the nature of seeking as it straddles the present moment and the eternal. Whether plodding along in the tedious moments of life or being swept along in a current of purpose and meaning, consciousness evinces a kind of traction that we both crave as an alternative to the groundlessness of infinity and loathe for its tethering of us to our catalyst. With traction we have an anchored point from which we can project into the illusion outside ourselves through action as well as that within ourselves through meditation. Those of Q’uo offer remarks on how we may use the illusion of separation to piece together an approach to the present moment that can also feel part of a greater evolutionary progression. Questions about shame and self-forgiveness in the context of these dynamics are also considered towards the end of the session.
The plan for this week is both to call for information and inspiration around the archetypal mind while also providing training to our newer instruments. This should give Steve and me a break from the heavy stuff and allow us to continue ensuring the tradition of Confederation channeling handed us by Carla Rueckert can continue into the next generation.
As the week progresses, I will try to update you here with dispatches. We do know some of the questions we’re going to be asking, but given that we haven’t arrived at a tight schedule yet, I’d rather just give you a report as we go. Please keep us in your prayers and meditations; send us any love and light you can spare, and if you really want to assist our project, join our calling for information on the archetypal mind.
Before I leave you, I want to thank Luke and Lauren who were extremely generous in contributing to the fund for this intensive. Those of us who still work for a living have had a rough year, and the support of our two friends has made it much easier not just to make the intensive happen but also to ease the burden on the families we are leaving behind for five days. We are very grateful for all of your support.
And now, let the great work begin! Until the next dispatch, I wish you all the best in the love and the light of our One Infinite Creator.